Author: Stasyuk Eugene 110 Tags: 13.12.2022

When you create WordPress templates on a regular basis, you come across one procedure that takes up some of your time – downloading and activating plugins. The WP Favs plugin solves this problem quite successfully. You simply create a list of plugins that you use regularly and then bulk upload them to your site.

The process of working with the plugin can be divided into two stages:

  1. Creating a list of plugins
  2. Uploading these plugins to the site

Moreover, the first stage is enough to do once. Or, if you’re too lazy, you can use my list:

Token: G69TDY3Z2QOzYMdT53p7OzrRv1Qlnh

Here is the list of plugins it has:

  1. Contact Form 7
  2. Yoast SEO
  3. All In One WP Security & Firewall
  4. Cyr to Lat enhanced
  5. No Category Base (WPML)
  6. Contact Form 7 Database Addon – CFDB7
  7. wp_head() cleaner
  8. Classic editor

Creating a list of plugins

1. Go to plugin site:

2. Here we need to register or login.

3. Click on New WpFav

Кликаем на New WpFav

4. Fill in the Title, Description (if necessary), choose whether our fav will be public or notЗаполняем Заголовок

5. Let’s scroll below. In the search, we drive in the name of the plugin that we need. And in the drop-down list, select the desired plugin, thus forming a list. выбираем нужный плагин

6. Click save and our list of plugins is ready. To load plugins on the site, we will need the key in the future: Кликаем сохранить

Uploading plugins to the site

1.Installing and activating the plugin on the siteУстанавливаем и активируем плагин

2. In the admin panel menu, go to Plugins – Installed. In the block with the installed WP Favs plugin, click on “settings”переходим в  Плагины - Установленные

3.In the Quick Key field, enter the key that was obtained as a result of creating a list of plugins. We click “Quick Load”, as a result of which the Name of the list and the list of plugins that are reserved in it appear:вносим ключ

4. Near the title, click on the button “Run this list”кликаем на кнопку Run this list

5. In the list that appears, select all the necessary plugins and in the field labeled Actions, select Installвыбираем Install

6. After the plugins have been loaded, select them in the same way and activate them:активируем плагины


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